Born in St. Louis on May 27, 1911, Vincent Price retained a fondness for his place of origin, and that love was reciprocated with Vincentennial, a celebration of his 100th birthday in his hometown. Scheduled for May 19-28, 2011, Vincentennial was comprised of a wide variety of tributes, exhibits, performances, screenings and gatherings.

As time fills the gap between now and when this wonderful event took place, the web sites, the photos and the news accounts will start to fade from the internet.  That is why we are hoping to preserve some of that here on this site, for future enjoyment.

My own photos.  I was humbled to have been asked to contribute some of my collection for the Legacy of Vincent Price Exhibit at The Sheldon Gallery, and absolutely floored to have been an invited guest of Cinema St. Louis for the opening weekend of Vincentennial.  Here are some of the photos I took during my stay.

The St. Louis Arch

Downtown St. Louis

The Old Courthouse

Home of the Cardinals

The lobby of the host hotel, the Hilton at the Ballpark

The Legacy of Vincent Price exhibit at The Sheldon Gallery

A painting Vincent Price did and gave to the family of Irene Leland


A wonderful meeting with folks I'd only spoken with online and over the phone: Irene Leland, me, Jenni Nolan and Tom Stockman, creator of the event

The historic Hi-Pointe Theater, scene of the first weekend's film festival

Film Forum's Bruce Goldstein, introducing THE TINGLER...with all the gimmicks and then some!

Bruce Goldstein and myself

St. Louis performer John Contini giving a Price-esque reading of 'The Raven'

Educator and author Jonathan Malcolm Lampley, author of Women in the Horror Films of Vincent Price

Mr. Vincentennial himself, Tom Stockman, introducing the special guests

DVD Watchdog's Tim Lucas, interviewing...

...the legend: Roger Corman

Vincent's costar from TOMB OF LIGEIA, Elizabeth Shepherd, in her touching filmed tribute

Cinema St. Louis director Cliff Froehlich and myself

Taking in the Vincent Price sites with Tom Stockman and Danny Fulce

The Price family home

Danny and Tom

Replica of The Spirit Of St. Louis at the Missouri History Museum

Cliff, at the Missouri History Museum, introducing showings of THE RAVEN and THE ABOMINABLE DR. PHIBES

Me with Peter Fuller, who came all the way from London for Vincentennial, is also the webmaster of The Sound Of Vincent Price.  He's a great guy!

Roger Corman, day 2, heads to the front of the Hi-Pointe to receive a lifetime achievement award and for part 2 of his interview with Tim Lucas

Left, Roger and Julie Corman at the St. Louis Hilton at the Ballpark. Right, Roger and me, taken by Julie!

Photos from other sources.  As I was unable to be there for the entire celebration, I'm using photos that others took to fill in the gaps.  I apologize if proper credit isn't given.

Tom Stockman at the showing of THE FLY

Local kids dance to Michael Jackson's 'Thriller'!

Winners of the Vincent Price Look-Alike Contest at the Missouri History Museum

From the stage version of DR. PHIBES, performed by the Magic Smoking Monkey Theater group

Opening of the 'Vincent Price Presents' Exhibit at Star Clipper Comics

Two Vincent Price webmasters from from the US and England meet at Vincentennial!

Peter Fuller visits Vincent Price's star on Delmar in St. Louis...

...then meets Victoria Price at the Missouri History Museum

David Del Valle interviews Victoria at the Missouri History Museum

Peter Fuller recites Poe's 'The Conqueror Worm' at the showing of WITCHFINDER GENERAL

Victoria Price visits the theater named in her father's honor at his alma mater, the St. Louis Country Day School

"At Victoria's talk. She introduced her half-brother Barrett--who spoke lovingly of his Dad-- a previously filmed segment of Victoria's audio-visual presentation." [from Robert Taylor]

"Cuz [Sara Waugh] and I stayed in the hotel across from the old town hall where the Dred Scott Decision was made." [from Robert Taylor]

"Here I am, with Cuz at the ready behind me, giving a talk on Vincent Price, Collector--using one of Vinnie's prized sea shells from his own collection as a 'show and tell'." [from Robert Taylor]

"Right across from the Price family's beautiful house is Givens Hall, the university architecture building that Vinnie's mother Marguerite disliked so much. While it was being constructed, Marguerite sent endless letters to the Powers That Be insisting that the bldg be taken down, discontinued, removed, etc--as it blocked her view of the beautiful Administration Bldg--which looked to her like Windsor Castle." [from Robert Taylor]

"Victoria Price, Irene Leland, Jenni, Cuz and I, when we finished having lunch at Blueberry Hill that Friday, went up the street and looked at the display of Vinnie-related artwork at the wonderful Star Clipper comic/book store." [from Robert Taylor]

"Art at the Star Clipper." [from Robert Taylor]

"Art at the Star Clipper." [from Robert Taylor]

"Art at the Star Clipper." [from Robert Taylor]

"Having lunch with Victoria---left to right, Cuz Sara, me, Victoria, Irene, Cliff from Cinema St. Louis and Blueberry Hill owner Joe Edwards...and right to left, Tom, Jenni, and Victoria's good friend Diana Johnson." [from Robert Taylor]

A representation of special publications printed to commemorate Vincentennial



Help yourself to a full copy of the official Vincentennial program by clicking on the image!


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